How you can join

ALLEGRO WOMEN’S CLUB is open to all women who want to participate in our terrific community spirit. You are welcome to visit a regularly scheduled meeting to find out how delightful these women are. If you are interested in visiting and want to know the location and time of the next meeting, please contact Jennie Taylor at 972-768-5137

The registration form below will secure your membership.


MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION FORM – Meetings usually 2nd Thurs. of month

Please complete the following form and submit with your dues at the meeting or mail to:

Jennie Taylor

158 Heron Oaks

Rockport, TX 78382

NAME: __________________________________________________

ADDRESS: _________________________________________________


PHONE NUMBER(S): __________________________________________

E-MAIL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________

PREFERRED REMINDER FOR MEETINGS: (check one): □  telephone     □  e-mail

Occasionally we have unscheduled news items that we want to pass on to members. That is done routinely by e-mail. Efforts will be made to call those without e-mail addresses, but the emergency nature of these calls makes them a bit unreliable.

DUES: ___________________________________ $25.00 – Please indicate date paid.

□ Not able to attend meetings but would like to join to support the club/community.